2009 Annual Awards Dinner

June 19, 2009 – Nearly 300 reporters and media professionals were on hand at the New York Financial Writers’ Association Annual Awards Dinner on June 18, 2009, to hear the nation’s top securities cop, Mary L. Schapiro, chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission, outline her plans for the future of the agency. Click here for a full text of her remarks. The speech was followed by a lively Question & Answer session Mary Schapiro moderated by Myron Kandel, CNN founding financial editor, that included questions from the audience on a range of topics from Bernie Madoff to short selling and market-to-market.

Also at the event, which was held in the Westside Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, long-time financial journalist Allan Sloan, senior editor-at-large, at Fortune magazine was awarded the Elliott V. Bell Award, the association’s highest prize, for his lifetime contributions to financial journalism.  He was introduced by Andrew Serwer, managing editor of Fortune.  This year the NYFWA awarded $30,000 in scholarships.  Sally Heinemann, chairman of the NYFWA scholarship committee, presented the awards to 12 aspiring financial journalists. Click here for a list of the winners.  The event was moderated by NYFWA president Josh Friedlander
Click here for photos.

For press coverage of the dinner and Schapiro’s speech, see:
Associated Press
Wall Street Journal
Financial Times
New York Times